I’m interested in opening a checking/savings account with Quorum. Do they perform a hard/soft pull credit inquiry when reviewing the application?

When we review a checking or savings account application, we may perform a soft pull on your credit report through one of the three major credit reporting agencies.

A hard pull or soft pull can occur when you open a new checking or savings accounts from a financial institution. A hard pull (which typically happens when a lender checks your credit report to make a lending decision; for instance, when applying for a mortgage) can (temporarily) slightly lower your credit score, and will typically stay on your credit report for two years. A soft pull, on the other hand, is an inquiry performed by a financial institution on your credit report, but does not affect your credit score in any way.

When Quorum reviews a checking or savings account application, we may perform a soft pull on an applicant's credit report through one of the three major credit reporting agencies (TransUnion, Experian, Equifax) for verification purposes, and also run the name through ChexSystems to see if there is a report in their system. Neither of these actions will impact an applicant's credit score in any way.